Friday, June 4, 2021

Springtime on Kent Island: 5/31 - 6/3

—Blogpost written by Bob 

Monday, May 31 (Memorial Day)

Finally, a day without rain in the forecast!  And a beautiful day it was!


You should note a change in format of this blog--it was way over due. You should also note that there ARE now photos in this blogpost because of a recently-resolved issue with Google's Blogger.  Up until Friday morning, there were no photos.


We drove to Annapolis in the morning and I ordered two white reading lights at Fawcetts to replace two old panel lights in the navigation station—they will arrive in about 10 days.  We made a number of other stops on the south side of Annapolis (where we used to own a townhouse) while there: the liquor store (for vodka and wine) and Annapolis Seafood (for salmon fillets and Mahi Mahi).  By the time we had made these few stops, it was lunchtime and we stopped for a delicious (and KETO-friendly) lunch at Lemongrass II, on the far west side of town.  (This was the second time we’ve eaten out while on KETO and it takes some careful menu selection to avoid excessive carbs.)

We admired this BMW Z3 while eating lunch

 outdoors at Lemongrass.  had yearning 

to buy one of these no-longer-made 

BMWs, as impractical as it 

may seem.

From Lemongrass we went to Fresh Market for groceries, our main purpose in going to Annapolis.

We got back to the boat on Kent Island at 2:45 PM.  It was much warmer than when we left in the morning but there was still a coolness in the air.  We picked up our season pool passes at the pool (no one was in the water of the olympic-sized pool) and then unloaded groceries (a task we both hate).


We were both low on our fat intake for the day (as monitored by our Carb Manager apps).  So, for dinner we each had a 1/4-pound beef frank wrapped in a low-carb tortilla.  (Believe it or not, beef franks have much more fat than protein.)

Tuesday, June 1

Today was "weigh in" day for the week: Maggie lost 4 pounds (in her first week on KETO) and I didn't lose a single pound (after my second week on KETO).  (I think I have to greatly reduce my alcohol consumption, like one drink every two or three days!)


Another beautiful spring day awaited us--the sun was out and the air was still cool.

Applying the new Florida decal on the bow 
of our boat--this task was only 3 
months overdue.

This was a day to catch up on lots of small items that have been accumulating: signing up for AutoPay for electric service at our slip, adhering the latest decal to our boat's bow (its been out of date for three months), and trying to get a solution for the latest google problem in uploading photos to this blog (I get the error "Upload failed: Server rejected").  (I've also got an upcoming problem with the "Follow me by email" widget--it is being discontinued and I have to find an alternative, but that's for another day, or another week.)

Wednesday, June 2

The sky was overcast in the morning and there wasn't even a breath of wind in the marina.


I still can't upload photos to this blog--I'm not sure how long it is going to take to fix but I have to plan on publishing this blogpost without photos.  I have reported the problem to Google, the owner of the blog-hosting platform, and I'm still waiting for their resolution. 


I have always liked music and have tried many times to play a musical instrument but it has never worked out for me--not learning to play music early in my life is one of my biggest regrets.  However, I can still listen to good music at any time.  One of my favorite songs is "Hallelujah" by the late Leonard Cohen.  Here is a link to Leonard Cohen singing his own creation.  At this link is a version sung by K.D. Lang, which is far superior in my opinion.  

Another song that I have recently enjoyed over and over again is "Love of My Life" by Queen.  Again, this song performed by the creator can be found at this link and a much later version performed by a promising young singer, Martina Lynn, at this link.

A screen capture from YouTube of Martina
Lynn singing Love of My Life.

Thursday, June 3

It was overcast and rainy again today.  


I spent a lot of time fixing the problem with uploading photos into this blog.  I kept getting an error message "Upload failed - Server rejected" every time I tried to upload a photo.  So, I googled how to fix it and found out how to manage the photo albums associated with my blog. When I viewed the two photo albums associated with my blog a message came on the screen that said "It looks like you reached the end."  I deleted the archive photo album and kept the more current one.  I haven't checked whether earlier photos on this blog were lost yet but everything since 2013 was working fine.


Maggie leaves tomorrow morning again for another week spent with one of her children, this time her son and his family in Houston.


Stay tuned for more in the life of an old retired sailor living aboard his sailboat...

Thanks for following our blog!

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